
Beyond research papers, I have published the Stata ado resize, which helps keep font sizes coherent within and between figures.

[forthcoming] Why Do Partners Often Prefer the Same Political Parties? Evidence from Couples in Germany
Ansgar Hudde & Daniela Grunow
forthcoming in Social Forces
[2024] Completed U.S. Fertility by Sex, Cohort, and Education Level
Ansgar Hudde & Philip N. Cohen
Socius     link  pdf
[2024] How Warm are Partisan Political Interactions? An Incidence-based Measure of Affective Fractionalization
Ansgar Hudde, Will Horne, Noam Gidron & James Adams
PLOS ONE     link  pdf
[2024] More Afraid of the Virus Than of Bad Weather? Exploring the Link Between Weather Conditions and Cycling Volume in German Cities Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ansgar Hudde & Jan Wessel
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour     link  pdf
[2024] Have Cycling-Friendly Cities Achieved Cycling Equity? Analyses of the Educational Gradient in Cycling in Dutch and German Cities
Ansgar Hudde
Urban Studies     link  pdf  code
[2024] Do They Know That Joy and Misery Are Temporary? Comparing Trajectories of Current and Predicted Life Satisfaction Across Life Events
Ansgar Hudde
European Societies     link  pdf  code
[2023] There’s More in the Data! Using Month-Specific Information to Estimate Fine-Grained Trajectories of Life Satisfaction Around Life Events
Ansgar Hudde & Marita Jacob
Sociological Science    link  pdf  code
[2023] Seven Decades of Gender Differences in German Voting Behaviour
Ansgar Hudde
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie     link  pdf  code
[2023] Family Inequality: On the Changing Educational Gradient in Family Patterns in Germany
Ansgar Hudde & Henriette Engelhardt
Demographic Research     link  pdf
[2023] Parenthood and Dynamics of Life Satisfaction in Times of COVID-19
Ansgar Hudde, Karsten Hank & Marita Jacob
British Journal of Sociology     link  pdf  code
2023] It’s the Mobility Culture, Stupid! Winter Conditions Strongly Reduce Bicycle Usage in German Cities, but Not in Dutch Ones
Ansgar Hudde
Journal of Transport Geography     link  pdf  code
[2022] Partisan Affect in Times of Fractionalization: Visualizing Who Likes Whom in Germany, 1977 to 2020
Ansgar Hudde
Socius     link  pdf  code
[2022] Educational Differences in Cycling: Evidence from German Cities
Ansgar Hudde
Sociology     link  pdf  code
[2022] The Unequal Cycling Boom in Germany
Ansgar Hudde
Journal of Transport Geography     link  pdf  code
[2021] Gender Role Attitudes Cannot Explain How British Couples Responded to Increased Housework Demands during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ansgar Hudde, Karsten Hank & Marita Jacob
Socius    link  pdf  code
[2020] Intra-couple (Dis)Similarity in Gender Role Attitudes and the Transition to Parenthood in Germany
Ansgar Hudde & Henriette Engelhardt
European Sociological Review    link
[2020] Homogamy in Gender Role Attitudes among Young Couples: Evidence from Germany
Ansgar Hudde
KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie    link  pdf
[2019] Having Power, Having Babies? Fertility Patterns among German Elite Politicians
Ansgar Hudde & Carmen Friedrich
Journal of Family Research    link  pdf  data
[2018] Societal Agreement on Gender Role Attitudes and Childlessness in 38 Countries
Ansgar Hudde
European Journal of Population     link
[2017] Politik und Fertilität’ (Policy and Fertility)
Ansgar Hudde & Henriette Engelhardt
In Stüwe, K. & Hermannseder, E. (Eds), Familie im Wandel. Deutschland und Korea im Vergleich     link